




株式会社 Premium Vacations

〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2-11-7 ATT新館 8F



Medtec Japan 2025

Medtec Japan, now in its 16th year, is an exhibition that brings together suppliers to the medical device industry involved in the design and manufacture of medical devices, as well as development and research professionals from medical device manufacturers in Japan and overseas.

Every year

Date: April 9-11, 2025

Location: Tokyo
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight
Exhibits: Blood test kit, Flu kit, Hay fever test kit, Allergy test kit, Sexually transmitted desease

      test kit, Cancer test kit, DNA test kit, Reagent test kit.

Visitor eligibility: Trade only

2024 year

Visitors : 20,000

Exhibitors : 500

Useful Link

Exhibitors List


2025 Medtec Japan

APR. 8

Arrival at Haneda or Narita.

English speaking assistant (ESA) welcome you at the airport, and

transfer to Hotel by Private car.

APR. 9

Medtec Japan

APR. 10

Medtec Japan

APR. 11

Medtec Japan

APR. 12

Transfer to airport by private car with ESA.

Have a nice flight !

The following services are available upon request.

  • International/domestic air ticket booking and issuing.
  • Professional interpreter (English, and other languages)
  • Pre, post tour of beautiful Japan !
  • ... and whatever you need.

Venue and Suggested Hotel

Venue: Tokyo Big Sight

Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba 15min. by monorail to venue.